Does Hypnosis for Weight Loss Work?

You have decided to lose weight, hit the gym, and eat a healthy diet – yet you can’t do this consistently.

You feel defeated and the statistics agree. Individuals who don’t get to the subconscious driver of why they are doing what they do will regain more than 50% of the weight they lose within two years and more than 80% within five years.

A 2020 Scientific American article states around 80% of people who lose a significant amount of body fat won’t maintain that weight loss for 12 months.  

This staggering failure rate can be attributed to a subconscious belief, using food as a coping mechanism, and bad habits. All these things can be dealt with in hypnosis. 

Wouldn’t it be nice to eat when you are hungry and stop when you are full?

What if you could crave foods that are fuel for your body?

Maybe one of your parents used food as a coping mechanism and that is where you learned the behavior. Or you watched a movie scene where the breakup happens, and this sad female eats a pint of ice cream all by herself while binging Netflix.

Eating might work in the moment to give the brain a boost but in the long term, it creates problems with your weight and health.

As a leading hypnotist in Houston, I can tell you that in any battle between the conscious (I don’t want to eat the pint of ice cream) and the subconscious mind (you want to feel better, don’t you?), the subconscious mind wins.

Invest In Yourself

Hypnosis for weight loss can be a powerful tool for influencing the subconscious mind to help you make lifestyle changes, like losing weight, by addressing the underlying beliefs and habits that drive your behaviors.

When you’re in a hypnotic state, your mind becomes highly focused and more open to suggestions.  

For example, imagine you’ve always struggled with late-night snacking. Through hypnosis for weight loss sessions, a hypnotist can guide you into a relaxed state and suggest new, healthier habits, such as visualizing yourself feeling satisfied and full after dinner.

We can also get to the root cause of why you want to snack late at night. Is this due to stress, boredom, how you connected with a parent when you were a child, or some other reason?

We typically aren’t consciously aware of our reasons until we go back and find a root cause that is driving us to satisfy some unfulfilled need that created the habit.

Over time, exploring the who, what, when, where, and how you eat can lead to significant changes in your eating habits that will support your weight loss goals. Align your subconscious mind with your conscious desires and you start moving towards a healthier lifestyle.

As a Certified Houston Hypnotist, I can help you out. I have been doing this for 15 years and have helped many clients successfully lose weight through personalized sessions.

During our sessions, we’ll work together to identify any emotional triggers or habits that lead to unhealthy eating.

Each session is tailored to your unique needs, ensuring that the changes we make are both effective and lasting. By addressing the root causes and reinforcing positive habits, I’ll help you transform your relationship with food and your body, making your weight loss journey easier.

How Long Before I Get Effective Results?

Most of my clients need between 2 to 5 hypnosis for weight loss sessions. Eating is hardwired into your body. This happened at the beginning of time to help us keep starvation at bay. 

Then we have those ideas that we grew up with – eat everything on your plate – or those holiday indulgences – I don’t have to worry because it’s a holiday or vacation – or we have habits we created for reasons we don’t even remember creating – I drank too much and need to sop up this food

To Conclude 

I’m ready when you’re ready to figure out the who, what, when, where, and how you created habits that don’t work for you.

Connect with me or schedule your free consultation with Donna Brown Hypnosis. I’m a Certified Hypnotist in Houston and together we’ll dive deep to understand the root causes and create a healthier lifestyle that works in your life.

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