How Does Your Subconscious Mind Work?

The subconscious mind is like an automatic pilot system that stores everything, including your habits, beliefs, decisions, judgments, conclusions, and memories. 

Imagine when you first learned to ride a bike. Here is one of two scenarios:

You started by thinking about every detail – how to balance, how to steer, how to pedal. It took focus. You might have wobbled. Someone might have held the bike up for you. Maybe you had training wheels.

With determination and practice, you got better at riding the bike.

Once you could balance and pedal at the same time, your subconscious mind took over. You didn’t have to deliberately pump your legs because you were looking in front of you rather than at your feet. You stored the how-to that you learned.

The next thing, you are with your friends or family jumping curbs.

You no longer needed to concentrate on every action.

Fast forward later in life and you’re at a place that allows you to rent a bike. You get on, wobble, and then your subconscious takes over and you are off and riding against the wind.

Whenever you get on a bike, you rely on your automatic pilot system (the subconscious) to handle the minute details as you pedal.

Scenario two:

Maybe you were someone who didn’t have help or encouragement as you tried to learn to ride. 

Maybe you didn’t have a bike and when you got on another person’s bicycle, they told you to get off.

Maybe you already had a subconscious belief that you would not be able to do what everyone else could do (that can happen before the age of two).

Maybe you tried and fell off the bike and scraped your knee. 

Did Dad or brother yell?

Did you cry to Mom who told you the bad bike made you hurt? (If you ever received that sort of comment, you just set yourself up to blame whatever object gets in your way of doing something. This is a belief that could be holding you back).

At some point in this cycle of trying, you made a decision: Something like: I’m the only kid on the block too uncoordinated to ride.

Is that true or is that a false belief?

That my friends are a false belief.

My grandson, who trips over his own feet, can ride around the lake more times than me.

We use a linear process when learning and go into the autopilot system we have stored in our subconscious mind.

You use your autopilot system in your morning routine. (Routines are all autopilots).

These patterns from the past are how you automatically decide what gets done and what doesn’t.

Everything you ever learned: the good, the bad, and the ugly is stored in the subconscious.

You have stored patterns where things didn’t work out which is why we, at times, repeat the same mistakes (especially in relationships).

Once you tap into the role of the subconscious in hypnosis, you are able to retrain the brain.

Hypnosis is the tool that helps individuals tap into their subconscious minds.

Can Hypnosis Work for Me?

The real strength of hypnosis lies in its ability to tap into stored memories.

We can change your story into something better, give back those lies we were told about who, what, when, why, and how we are, and break free from decisions that no longer work.  

How Hypnosis Affects the Subconscious Mind?

Hypnosis taps into the role of the subconscious in hypnosis, guiding you through a transformative process that feels like a journey.

It begins with a relaxation exercise called an induction.

As your body relaxes and your mind slows down, something interesting happens – your conscious mind, the part that’s always busy analyzing and thinking, steps aside.

With your conscious mind at rest, we talk to the subconscious – the

A place where your every habit, feeling, and automated reaction live.

This part of your mind quietly drives so much of what you do every day, often without you realizing it. Think about how you wipe your butt. Yeah, nobody thinks about it. You just do it like you learned when you were a child.

In this relaxed, focused state, new information can be discovered.

What you believed at four years old can be corrected to a better belief that works in your favor today.

We undo, redo, retrain, rethink, and develop better strategies and coping mechanisms. 

Many times, we acknowledge what happened in the past so we can create something different in the future. This gives us a sense of confidence and control.

Leverage the Power of The Role of the Subconscious in Hypnosis!

How soon would you be ready to allow old patterns to shift?

How quickly would you like to replace the negative beliefs with something more positive?

You can take the first step with Donna Brown, a certified hypnotist in Houston.

Consult Donna Brown Hypnosis